How to Wear In Shoes Quickly – Long Walk Home Survival Guide
How to Wear In Shoes Quickly - Long Walk Home Survival Guide

How to Wear In Shoes Quickly - Long Walk Home Survival Guide
Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist. That guy who knows truckloads about walking and stuff, Talks about wearing in your shoes for the Long Walk Home.
Dr Brenden and his team of qualified Podiatrists will be following the walk as a support crew to assist any walkers.
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Video Transcript
What are you doing here?
We just talked about you going out and getting new shoes.
You haven't bought new shoes!?
Okay, but you're going to do your activity in a few days, and you want to know what to do to make sure that they're ready? Okay. So, let's quickly talk about what to do.
If you've got a wearing in a shoe and you've only got a few days before that, say, for example, a really long walk home (Yeah, that's right). You need to be wearing your shoes as much as you possibly can right now. Again, if it's only for a few days, you need to be doing things like wearing them when you're walking around the house. That's right. I mean all of the time. Flip off the flip flops and get into your runners. The shoes that you're wearing should also be worn with the socks that you intend on wearing.
This is the pair that you're going to wear, so wear them as much as you possibly can. Wear them to the supermarket, wear them for short walks around the block. You obviously don't want to get blisters at these short time before the activity, so you want to wear them safely. Now the next thing you can do is whew, wear them at work. You are goddammit, a really great corporate citizen and you are earning and raising loads of money for the good people of Wayside. So, you need to be wearing your shoes at work and letting all of those people in all the office meetings and around the office, no matter where.
What a fabulous corporate citizen you are, you've earned it. Go do it. Wear them now, and please start wearing them as soon as possible.
Go on.
Again, off you go.
Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.
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* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.