Orthotic Fitting

making it easier and safer!

Orthotic Fitting-Preparing the Orthotic Molds

Orthotic Fitting - Preparing the Orthotic Molds

Most likely you have noticed like we have, the large number of people out walking or exercising during this period. Making your orthotic fitting more important than ever.

To help increase your Safety and Decrease risk when picking up your orthotics, we have implemented the following steps Allowing you to have your orthotics fitted safely.

  1. Place the shoes you intend to wear the orthotics in a plastic bag
    NOTE: It is IMPORTANT to ensure the liner/insole originally in the shoe is also included - without this, we can not guarantee a perfect fit
  2. Drop your shoes and insole to our clinic.
    Our team are happy for you to drive into our driveway and meet you at your car door. NO, you don’t even need to get out of your car!
  3. Leave your shoes and insoles with us.

You can either wait in the car, and our team will fit them to your shoes while you wait. OR drop them in, and we will call you through the day to let you know when the fitted orthotics are ready.

Online Orthotic fitting instructions:

We will then book a time for a quick online fitting appointment where one of our Podiatrists will run through the instructions with you.

Our admin team will arrange another online check-up in a month.

If you’re ready to get back to happy healthy and active, our team would love to help please call us on 96732987


Orthotic Fitting-Making Orthotics

Orthotic Fitting - Making Orthotics


Free Report “10 things to know before choosing a Podiatrist”

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Shameless Plug or where to get real help!

Need help? Need another opinion? Just want to get this sorted? Great, we'd love to help you 😊 You can start by calling our wonderfully helpful team on 9673 2987. They are all parents and will be able to help answer questions and guide you in the right direction.

Another option is to use our call back service, pop your details in the very short form and we will call YOU back on a number and times that suits YOU best. 😊