Kids come in all shapes and sizes and so do their feet!

Kids come in all shapes and sizes and so do their feet!

Kid’s come in all shapes and sizes and so do their feet!

Kid’s come in all shapes and sizes and so do their feet!

Kid’s come in all shapes and sizes and so do their feet! It stands to reason that not all kids' foot pain is a result of “growing pains

Kids with foot pain may have that for a number of different reasons, some maybe postural, some from activity or poor footwear choices or some from Muscle imbalances.

There are also there for a number of options for kids with foot pain. Kids with foot pain are often told they need to wait to “grow out of it” this is not the case, and, in our experience, there are numerous therapies that can help kids get back to happy healthy and active quickly and importantly pain free!

Our team would love to help. Call 96732987 for appointments and more info. Or click the links below.

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator?

Find us on Facebook:


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Kids and Foot Pain

Kids and Foot Pain

Kids and Foot Pain

Kids and Foot Pain

Kids DO NOT have to put up with pain! They do not have to wait to grow out of it! It’s a fact and if you’ve been told otherwise hmmmmm .......

There is stacks of stuff to help kids beat foot pain.

  • Footwear
  • Strength exercise
  • Orthotic Therapy

Are just a few of the things that we use to get kids free from foot pain!

Let’s keep kids moving and let’s make sure we get them back to happy healthy and active!

Click the link below or call us on 96732987 for help.

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator?

Find us on Facebook:


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy Active Kids

Parents want their children to be Happy, Healthy and Active Kids. It’s common for parents who take their children with foot or leg pain to a practitioner to be told that the pain is simply growing pains and the only thing that can be done is to wait for the child to grow out of this pain.

No time limit is given for this pain. No solution just wait till the child grows and the pain will somehow go away by itself, time for this? Months or maybe years ! With a vague diagnosis of “growing pains”

Kids DO NOT need to wait to grow out of growing pains! There is definitely treatment and more importantly a more Rigourous reasoning for many kids than simply the fact that kids bones are growing!

We need kids to develop a love for activity so that they grow into adults who have a positive outlook on this. Let’s face it, there are lots of adults out there who could do with a more active lifestyle.

If, like us, it’s important to you as a parent that your kids stay happy healthy and active, and your child has pain - then we would LOVE to be able to help!

There are multiple ways kids can be assisted with lower leg, foot or ankle pain. Our team help parents and kids every single day with this pain.

If you’d like to know how we can help hit the link below and let’s get your child back into activity and out of pain!

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator?

Find us on Facebook:


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Does your child need to see a Podiatrist?

Does your child need to see a Podiatrist?

5 quick signs you need to see a Podiatrist (Foot Doctor)

When to see a Podiatrist

Kids feet are different to Adults feet! Its the building blocks to making sure our kids enjoy activity

Have you been through this?

Grandma's are great at spotting it. Your friends aren't bad. The Shoe shop lady is often a superstar at it! But lets face it you've got a lot on and the occasional "Mum" or "Dad I am"  ........ shhhhhhhh I have stuff to do! "Just a second but Mum ..... my feet are sore! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

So you drag the kids down to the plaza and seek out the closest and “best” footwear retailer you know. (Same woman you remember saying vaguely about it last year.) But on the way or while you are there, some funny things happen! You mention it to your “grandma” and she asks about your little ones “Flat feet” and asks have you had them checked! "Remember I mentioned it to you?" Hmm then you head to the shoe shop and the lady who is fitting the shoes asks the same thing. “Have you thought about seeing a Podiatrist” - WOW that's twice now - Houston we have a problem!

Kids and flat feet, growing pains, tripping falling and all that normal stuff! 

It’s not the only time someone may say it but it happens and we hear about it when Parents bring their youngsters into us confused with quotes like “I am not really sure if I should even be here?” So after seeing literally 1000’s and 1000’s of kids over my 20 years of practice I thought maybe a quick check list may help parent on what are the reason you bring your kids to see me !

Here is my quick 6 checklist – these are the reasons I WOULD bring my child to see a Podiatrist!

1. Flat feet. I thought I’d throw this on the mix pretty early as it’s often a reason people are told they need to see a Pod. It can be confusing and often it seems like there is conflicting advice. Here is my rule – If your little one is ONLY flat footed and does NOT have any of the following, you may well be perfectly ok the way they are now! However if they have Flat feet and ANY of the following YOU NEED TO SEE OUR PODIATRISTS !

2. Tripping or falling. You may notice it or it may take someone to mention it to you. With little reason and sometimes without notice your little one trips! Sometimes it seems justified other times it seems like they tripped over a blade of grass! Somethings happening here and yes we may need to take a look.

3. Pain at night or Growing Pains. If your little one wakes at night with pain in their legs, ankles or feet its more than likely time to see one of our team. Now it can be confusing at times you will take them to see a GP and sadly very sadly they will say “Its growing pains” Grrrr 9/10 you can attribute this pain can be treated and you don’t have to wait for them to “grow out of it” If your little one has “Growing Pains” or anything else like that sounds or smells like this – Visit` our team!

4. Kids that don’t like walking or avoid activity. Some kids seem like they are always whinging, you are out shopping or with the family and out on a long walk or other family activity and your child wants to “Sit down” or “stop”. Often we simply think our kids are being Lazy. However for a good proportion of these kids it’s got to do with their poor foot posture making walking harder and yes they are actually in pain! Sometimes kids don’t even realise they are uncomfortable (Its ok, we realise it sounds strange) they just know they want to stop! We have fixed kids foot posture and seen a change that means these kids go from not wanting to walk to almost running!

5. Unusual wear on old footwear. Have you noticed that your kids shoes seem to lean to one side after a couple of months or even weeks? Have you noticed they wear out the toes and have simply blamed it on loads of Handball? This again is in our top 5 reasons for needing to see one of our team!

6. Sore feet or pain at any times. (Ok so this is a sneaky Reason 6!)  It seems simple but if your child has sore feet it means they need to see a Podiatrist. NO you don’t need a referral (Permission slip) from your GP simply call and we will help. YES It’s what we do, we LOVE seeing kids because delightfully they often respond really well and very quickly to our treatment – and who doesn’t like a big smile!

So if your kids have ANY of the above Grandma and the shoe shop lady are actually on the money! If not then guess what you can fairly confidentially not worry!

As we have said above, we LOVE seeing kids. We are very lucky in that we see literally hundreds every year! If you have any of these problems or any other foot or ankle complaints please let us know! We are located in 2 spots in Western Sydney both conveniently located minutes from the M4 and with parking right out the front.
Please call our helpful team on 96732987 and our team will answer any questions and help with making times to see our Podiatrists.

Dr Brenden Brown (BB) Podiatrist
For the team at
A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle care

BB with one of his patients, kids foot pain

BB with one of his Patients!

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains – Is it really normal?

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains – Is it really normal?

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains - Is it really normal? - 1

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains – Is it really normal?

Is growing really responsible for your little one’s discomfort?

So, your little one is having a tough time and, therefore, so are you! There’s something not quite right but you just can’t put your finger on it.

Perhaps they seem clumsy, or they trip and fall a little more than their friends of the same age.  Maybe they don’t want to walk distances. Perhaps it appears they tire out more than the other kids. Sound familiar?

One of the most frustrating things for a parent or carer is having a child that, for no know apparent reason, wakes at night with pain in their feet legs and lower limbs. Often they’ll be in tears with pain. You’ve tried massaging them, or heat packs. You may have tried Panadol and Nurofen.

What you need is answers!

You head to the GP to tell them the things you’ve noticed. Frustratingly you’re told, “they will grow out of it” or…

“it’s growing pains” or…

“All kids get that” or …

“There’s nothing that you can do” or…

“Oh, it’s completely normal”

Whaaaaaat – You scream!!!

Well we don’t think it’s normal and there is something you can do!

All of the above are classic symptoms we see and recognise as signs your child has foot and lower limb posture problems, and this most certainly CAN be treated.

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains - Is it really normal? - 2

Getting rid of your child’s pain

We see hundreds of kids who present with their parents with very similar complaints each and every year. Frustrated parents with children who are looking for answers.

One of the most rewarding things about being a practitioner is getting these kids back to health, activity and pain free! To do this we start by running through a detailed history. We examine walking, standing and posture.

We will then recommend treatment aimed at stopping the pain and making your child comfortable (and happy!) again. We provide useful suggestions around footwear, prescribe therapies like massage or orthotics alongside possibly stretching and muscle strength exercises – all aimed at kids and designed to be kid friendly!

Results that make you smile!

There is nothing better than seeing a once uncomfortable child who woke at night crying sitting in your office with a big smile! With parents who have equally enormous smiles!

Parents get to see their once-clumsy-child running around without as many grazed knees. Many mums feel relieved that they no longer have to continuously pick up their child or push them endlessly in the pram because they can now walk distances complaint free!

As a clinic we see numerous kids each week, and we LOVE it! There is little greater than knowing you’ve made someone else’s life just a little bit better. It’s quite addictive.

In an age where we find ourselves complaining that our kids need to “get outside and play more” or we’re constantly saying “put your device down” it’s important that we make certain that they have the ability to be active – without pain.

Too many times we have meet frustrated parents and upset kids who come into our office after being told there is nothing they can do only to find they could have been making things better weeks months or even years earlier!

Tripping, falling, clumsy or Growing pains - Is it really normal? - 3

First steps

Is this sounds all too familiar, we’d like to help. Perhaps this is something that a friend or relative may benefit from. If that’s the case we’d love you to share it with them so they can find relief!

A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care is based in Western Sydney. We have multiple practitioners with loads of experience treating kids! Its our passion!

If you’d like more information please contact our helpful front desk team. They are brilliant at working through what help you need, guiding you to the appointment that is right for your family, running through costings and then reserving your appointment time. Call us today on +61 2 9673 2987 we look forward to helping.

Have you checked out our page dedicated to kids’ foot problems? Click here for more information.

Got a question? Visit us on instagram #AskDrFoot