Best School shoe’s for 2014

Best School shoe’s for 2014

Dr Brenden’s top school shoe picks for 2014.

Back to school has hit us again, it’s time for kids to head back into the class rooms and not only hit the books but also hit the school yard in their new school shoes!

Kids spend over 30 hours a week in their school shoes and while most of us think of them simply as a school shoe they also, at school, may become a netball shoe, a handball shoe, a soccer boot, a cricket shoe or even a get chased by a bully shoe!! Needless to say it’s essential that these shoes are tough and sturdy to undertake all this work.

As a parent of two kids myself I understand while we all like to make sure we get the best for our kids we also have to think about the money that its cost to send our kids to school and it all adds up. Many parents hope to get a full year out of a pair of shoes for their child so that’s approximately 40+ weeks of school for most kids. Considering a 40 week year for most shoes we have split up the cost to consider how much that school shoe is costing us each week for our kids. So you can get shoes from as little as 75 cents a week up to worth 3.20 a week more expensive but I believe still a reasonable price to pay for keeping your kids healthy and active!

I have reviewed what I think are some of the school shoe picks of 2014. Some are more expensive and others I have looked at with those on a budget in mind. In essence you get what you pay for but we were pleasantly surprised with one or two of the cheaper models.

I have reviews both traditional school shoes and my favourite runner or sneaker style shoe in all black leather so people get an option as I know a lot of kids love these as well.

I have listed these from my favourite down however the bottom shoes are by no means terrible and in fact are in many respects good shoes.


Start-Rite YorkStart right

  • ·         School-style shoe
  • ·         Unisex
  • ·         Firm heel counter
  • ·         Bends at the toe
  • ·         Doesn’t twist
  • ·         Doesn’t flex at the middle
  • ·         All leather
  • ·         Black lace-up

·         Priced at $129.00 about $3.20 a week

Brenden Says: This is a relative new comer to my list I have not reviewed this shoe before and I have been really impressed with its appearance on the market! All the qualities I look for in a shoe and to me looks like a tough all-round school shoe!

BEST OF THE BEST – Brenden’s top 4!

ASCENT – SCHOLAR and APEX  Ascentscholar

  • ·         Firm heel counter
  • ·         Runner style sole
  • ·         All leather shoe
  • ·         Removable insole for orthotics
  • ·         Bends at toe
  • ·         Doesn’t twist
  • ·         Female / youth
  • ·         Available in 4 widths

From $109.95 (junior size) to $129.95 (adult size) Kids sizes about $2.75 a week

Brenden Says: I have been watching these shoe’s develop and I really feel they are great shoe’s I think Ascent as a brand are developing some excellent quality shoes. Yes I know I am cheating here that this is in fact two shoes but I like these equally and believe they both deserve a mention. I like the School shoe look but the almost sneaker style shoe base. Bends at the toes in all the right places but is strong in the middle and heel where it is needed.


Start-Rite YorkStart right

  • ·         School-style shoe
  • ·         Unisex
  • ·         Firm heel counter
  • ·         Bends at the toe
  • ·         Doesn’t twist
  • ·         Doesn’t flex at the middle
  • ·         All leather
  • ·         Black lace-up

·         Priced at $129.00 about $3.20 a week

Brenden Says: Yes the newcomer makes the top 4! As I said above I think this is a relative new comer has all the qualities I look for in a shoe and to me looks like a tough all-round school shoe! Firm heel counter and solid shank to support kids feet!

CLARKS – 24 SE7ENClarks 24se7en

  • Firm heel counter
  • Runner style sole
  • All leather shoe
  • Removable insole for orthotics
  • Bends at toe
  • Doesn’t twist

Priced at $124.95 about $3 a week

Brenden Says:  A good shoe that has been doing a good job for kids for a number of years. I think kids will like this shoe it has a chunky see through sole that kids seem to love. It has a firm heel counter that is essential to good footwear. Bends and flex’s in the right spots!


Asics Gel-510TR GAsics 510

  • Firm heel counter
  • Bends at the toe
  •  Doesn’t twist
  • Doesn’t flex at the middle
  • Running style
  • All leather
  • Black lace-up

·         Price point is RRP of $100 about $2.50 a week

Brenden Says:  As a sneaker based shoe this is by far my favourite. I recommend it to any parent looking for a sneaker style school shoe. Its leather based with all the properties of a good quality running shoe. In my experience it seems to last a school year really well which I have noted not all sneaker style running shoes do. A winner for me.




  • Firm heel counter
  • Removable insole for orthotics
  • Bends at toe
  • Doesn’t twist
  • Leather lined

$39.99  @ Payless Shoes about $1.00 a week!  

Brenden Says:  This is a good shoe for its price point. While it doesn’t have all the stability I like to see in a school shoe for those on a tight budget at 39.99 I think it out weights others in its class. No you are not getting all the features of the top 4



  • Firm heel counter
  • Removable insole for orthotics
  • Bends at toe
  • Doesn’t twist
  • Leather upper

$30.00 Big W about 75 cents a week!!!!

Brenden Says:  At this tiny price you can afford a few of these a year compared to some of its more heavily priced competitors. In kids small sizes this is a good shoe. It’s not the strongest and it may not last as long as some of the others but at that price you wouldn’t expect it to. As this shoe get bigger in size it loses some of the stability I prefer in the more expensive models but as a Jnr shoe on a budget it’s a good alternative.

Tips when choosing shoes:

  1. Thumb width’s room between the end of the shoe and the end of the longest to
  2. The fastening mechanism (lace-up, Velcro or buckle are best!) should hold the heel firmly in the back of the shoe
  3. The back part of the shoe ‘heel counter’ should be strong and stable
  4. The shoe should flex across the ball of the foot (not in the middle!)
  5. The sole should not twist!
Do your kids feet need checking?

Do your kids feet need checking?

Kids do much more than just go to school each week! What did your kids feet do this week?

Kids do much more than just go to school each week! What did your kids feet do this week?

Kids feet do much more than just 30 hours a week at school – they play handball – run races – play basketball – touch footy – practice ballet – play rugby – skip………. But are they ready to do all that activity and more?

Many times children won’t tell Mums and Dads about foot pain till its too late and it becomes a bigger problem.

  • Growing pains
  • Tripping and falling
  • Clumsiness
  • Wearing out shoes
  • Tiring easily

These are all signs that something maybe wrong with your child’s feet. Having your child’s foot posture and walking patterns by our Podiatrist who can quickly and safely help to find pain free solutions.

Every year we get to treat hundreds of kids! We love it not only are we getting to meet and have fun with some pretty cool kids we get to see them become happy healthy and active again. We’d love to be able to help your family as well!

Children and flat feet – do they need orthotics

Children and flat feet – do they need orthotics

Dr Brenden Brown – Podiatrist with his daughter Maddy in our Penrith clinic


One of the most common reasons kids present to podiatrists is for the treatment of ‘Flat Feet’.  I personally see hundreds of children a year who have flat feet and require my assistance. It can be a simple problem to under estimate but without the right advice and attention can lead to a life time of problems.

A ‘flat foot’ can be described in many ways, ‘fallen arches’ ‘rolled in ankles’ or ‘excessive pronation’. This type of foot is relatively common in children. Many children with “flat feet” remain symptom free for many years.  However, in many cases if this foot type continues through to adulthood it may become symptomatic and can be a causative or contributing factor for many other foot problems.

For many children the answer will be orthotics which are specially designed insoles that are placed inside the child’s schools shoes and joggers. They are relatively unobtrusive and do not require special shoes to fit – Most times they will fit perfectly inside your Clarks school shoe by simply removing the specially designed removable liner.

When do kids need orthotics?

In my clinic when assessing patients I look for 4 sign / symptoms in children in conjunction with a flat foot before deciding on whether a child needs orthoses.

Pain – If there is any pain present it often means the muscles in the feet and legs are under pressure meaning the bone structure is not able to perform its job and may require assistance from an orthotic to help.

Tripping and falling or general clumsiness – Reports from parents or the child themselves of tripping and falling or general clumsiness are signs that the foots structure and surrounding musculature are not able to support itself as required.

Child fatigues quickly –A child should be able to play all day without pain or the need to sit down for long periods due to fatigue. So to children should be able to happily walk around shopping centers or for that matter a family outing without the need to sit from fatigue after minutes or even an hour.

Growing Pains – There are a terrible amount of growing pains diagnosed by well-meaning practitioners. Please consider having your children’s feet checked. It is my opinion that many times growing pains may be able to be stopped by simply looking at how your child walks or runs and treating any imbalances.

A note about “growing pains” There are a terrible amount of growing pains diagnosed. By well-meaning practitioners. Please consider having your children’s feet checked. It is our opinion that many times growing pains may be able to be stopped by simply looking at how your child walks or runs and treating any imbalances. I continue to be impressed and please by the really positive result we are seeing in patients when these imbalances are corrected.

If you child has one or more of these signs it is a good idea to consult a podiatrist. Treatment with orthotics while initially appearing expensive has significant health benefits to children. In times when we are struggling to get our children outside away from computer games. I think ensuring you have a child that is happy and health and able to play happily outside without pain is a must.

By Dr Brenden Brown Podiatrist
Dr Brenden as he is called by kids who visit our clinics is a recognised expert in kids feet. He has a passion for keeping kids happy healthy and active! For this reason Dr Brenden has appeared on dozens of television shows and literally hundreds of media articles. He has proudly spent time as the ambassador for Clarks foot wear – one of Australia’s leading kids foot wear brands. He see’s children with foot and ankle pain in his clinic every day helping get them back to pain free. While Dr Brenden has been recognised world wide for his expertise, he is in fact most proud of being a Dad to two happy healthy fabulous daughters!