Kids do much more than just go to school each week! What did your kids feet do this week?

Kids do much more than just go to school each week! What did your kids feet do this week?

Kids feet do much more than just 30 hours a week at school – they play handball – run races – play basketball – touch footy – practice ballet – play rugby – skip………. But are they ready to do all that activity and more?

Many times children won’t tell Mums and Dads about foot pain till its too late and it becomes a bigger problem.

  • Growing pains
  • Tripping and falling
  • Clumsiness
  • Wearing out shoes
  • Tiring easily

These are all signs that something maybe wrong with your child’s feet. Having your child’s foot posture and walking patterns by our Podiatrist who can quickly and safely help to find pain free solutions.

Every year we get to treat hundreds of kids! We love it not only are we getting to meet and have fun with some pretty cool kids we get to see them become happy healthy and active again. We’d love to be able to help your family as well!