6 reasons why your heel pain is not getting any better.
1. You decide to go it alone and NOT get professional advice.
Of all the people we see, a large proportion of them have never had any care or professional advice. Quotes like “I just thought it would go away” or “A friend told me what they did to get rid of the pain and I just tried that”. Most times it doesn’t! You will increase your chance of beating heel pain, significantly by getting a professional opinion. Professional advice and treatment costs money. Yes some people find this expensive however others find it invaluable. It depends on how much you really want to get rid of your very sore heels?
2. You wear thongs because your feet are sore
Wearing thongs, Croc type shoes or even bare feet for many people make their feet feel better initially but all our experience tells us you are doing more damage. The pain you feel days later not necessarily at the time. You are welcome to argue this point as much as you like, while you continue to hobble …………
3. You get advice and then choose which bits you use.
Great work on getting advice now it’s time to take it ……yes ALL of it. When a care plan is developed for you, if you choose only the bits you like to hear and the easy bits, you will end up failing to get better. Your Podiatrist should work with you as a patient to establish the best way to relieve you of your pain. They should speak to you about what shoes are best for you. What treatment will get you better quickest, including stretching, therapy to relax the soft tissue and possibly orthotics. Now choosing NOT to do some of the suggested treatment universally ends up with patients not getting better. Our Podiatrists do all that and more, does yours?
4. You bought hard rigid orthotics from a Podiatrist.
Our experience tells us that rigid hard orthoses on most occasions irritate the heel and the arch region adding to your discomfort. We have over the years collected many pairs of rigid orthotic from patients who give them to us in frustration after finding they have hindered rather than help. Secondly if this is the only therapy you were given, with the exception of a couple of possible stretches then we would suggest to you that there is more to getting rid of your pain than this – ask the question “So how is this rehabilitating my damaged soft tissue” ?
5. You continue to do loads of exercise
Einstein is once said to have defined Madness as “Continuing to do things exactly the same and hoping for a different result”. As practitioners we are probably sportier than others and so we truly do understand your hopes to continuing to exercise. But in truth unless you make some form of change its unlikely you will get better. There are other options available which can help you to stay fit like rowing, weight training and alike. Let’s work together to see what we can allow you to keep up your health goals. If your practitioner is telling you there is no need to change then we would suggest the first change you make is the practitioner!
6. You choose a practitioner who does not understand heel pain.
So your GP says they will fix your heel pain? Your Physio who is treating your shoulder says the same and the Podiatrist you see, who works a day a week at your local GP clinic and cuts your toe nails, says they will fix it no problem. Who do you choose?
Your heel pain is not simple its complex and for you it’s really sore! Choose someone who see’s and treats heel pain regularly. Choose someone who is passionate about making sure that they help you on the way to getting you better. All the people above are probably very good at what they do, but they most likely won’t end up helping you beat your pain!
How can we help
At A Step Ahead foot + Ankle care we see approximately 8 to 12 heel pain patients a day. We have patients that travel literally hundreds of kilometres to seek our help – Which is really lovely! Our clinics are set up quite specifically to treat patients with heel pain. We have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into equipment and the latest technology to help us, help you- beat heel pain.
Our principal Podiatrist Brenden Brown is recognised as an expert in Podiatry. A past President of the Australasian Podiatry council he is considered an expert in the area of Foot health, appearing regularly on television shows like the Today Show and Magazines like Men’s Health.
It would be a pleasure to help you beat your heel pain.
We are located in Penrith and St Marys in Sydney’s Western suburbs. You can contact us on 47322007 or 96732987 we hope you will.