Starting Kids off on the Right Foot

Starting Kids Off On The Right Foot

Does your child:

  • Trip or fall?
  • Experienced growing pains?
  • Have pain in their back, legs or feet?
  • Flat feet?
  • Difficulty keeping up with peers?
  • Have pigeon toes or a duck walk?

Come to our
Free Foot Health Screening
At the screening you will learn:


  • Signs and symptoms of poor foot posture and how this affects your child.
  • What it means if your child has Painful legs or feet?
  • How tripping falling and clumsiness are all preventable.
  • How to choose good quality, long wearing foot-wear.
  • Growing pains - what they are and how we can help.
  • Will the wrong shoes and poor posture affect my child long term?

We check feet, like an optometrist checks eyes.

A Step Ahead will be helping parents with a foot and posture health screening at your preschool in the coming weeks.

Getting your kids feet and walking right, is invaluable at this early stage of life. Many of us have watched as our friends and relatives who have had foot and leg pain or even postural problems suffer. Lower back pain from poor posture, leg and foot pain stopping healthy activity, bunions, clawed toes and uncoordinated walking can all possibly be alleviated if addressed in childhood.

Identifying potential problems and getting good advice early on can possibly see chronic problems eliminated quickly and easily rather than continuing on into adulthood. However many times parent are themselves quick to identify concerns about their child, only to be told by well-meaning health professionals that they will simply grow out of their problems even though their child is in pain which can be confusing and worrying.


What happens at a screening?

To help parents with these concerns we are holding a screening for children at your preschool to help answer questions and identify any indicators that may identify “out of the norm” walking patterns postural problems or growing pains.

At the screening we will be looking to first identify if you feel your child has any problems or niggles.

We will then look at your child walking and standing to look for any obvious difficulties. The screening will take approximately 5 – 10 minutes per child and will involve a combination of both male and female staff from our clinic working together. Your child will not need to get undressed however will need to take their shoes and socks off, it would also be preferable if they could wear shorts or pants that roll up to their knees.

This is of course merely a screening and should not be considered a Podiatry consultation. We will provide you with a report which will briefly outline our observation be those completely normal or something that may require further assistance these will be forwarded to you via email.

For this to proceed and start your child on their way to good foot health,

Brenden Brown
Past President Podiatry Council Australia

A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Care Western Sydney Podiatrists