A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Care provides educational tools and information to registered members only. These tools should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice from a medical professional.
These tools and information are updated regularly so please check back regularly. If you have a suggestion for content please drop us a line.
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Educational Content
Heel Pain
6 Reasons You Won't Beat Heel Pain
Heel Pain Taping Technique
Our Podiatrists tell the truth about orthotics
Bunion, Neuromas, tears + other forefoot nasties Our Dr's reveal their best treatment options
Plantar Fascia - Our Dr’s “Cross-Torsional” taping technique
Sore feet? Our Dr’s show - 2 techniques to help you become pain free!
Heel Pain Solutions 3 Top Hacks to get you pain free
Fungal Nails
Kids Feet
General Items
10 Things to Know Before Chosing a Podiatrist
Hydration for Children