Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy and Active Kids

Happy, Healthy Active Kids

Parents want their children to be Happy, Healthy and Active Kids. It’s common for parents who take their children with foot or leg pain to a practitioner to be told that the pain is simply growing pains and the only thing that can be done is to wait for the child to grow out of this pain.

No time limit is given for this pain. No solution just wait till the child grows and the pain will somehow go away by itself, time for this? Months or maybe years ! With a vague diagnosis of “growing pains”

Kids DO NOT need to wait to grow out of growing pains! There is definitely treatment and more importantly a more Rigourous reasoning for many kids than simply the fact that kids bones are growing!

We need kids to develop a love for activity so that they grow into adults who have a positive outlook on this. Let’s face it, there are lots of adults out there who could do with a more active lifestyle.

If, like us, it’s important to you as a parent that your kids stay happy healthy and active, and your child has pain - then we would LOVE to be able to help!

There are multiple ways kids can be assisted with lower leg, foot or ankle pain. Our team help parents and kids every single day with this pain.

If you’d like to know how we can help hit the link below and let’s get your child back into activity and out of pain!

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Kids Foot and Ankle Pain – What’s the message for parents

Kids Foot and Ankle Pain – What’s the message for parents

Kids Foot and Ankle Pain - Whats the message for parents

First, I think the message I'd like to give them is that pain is not normal.

Pain is actually our body's way of saying that there is a problem.

I think, next, I'd say you don't have to wait for them to grow out of it.

This is a really old school way. And on most occasions, there's really active therapies practitioners can use to get your child back into activity, if they really know what they're doing.

Look, I think as foot doctors, it's our job to get kids back to happy, healthy and active, and as soon as we can.

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney

Want more information? That's fantastic. There's stacks of videos that we've made. Look down below. There's most likely a link there, or check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all the normal socials because we've got stacks of educational videos on heel pain and all the other conditions that we look after. Thanks and stay happy, healthy and active.


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Growing Pains are NOT something kids have to “grow out of”

Growing Pains are NOT something kids have to “grow out of”

Growing Pains are NOT something kids have to “grow out of”

Growing Pains are NOT something kids have to “grow out of”

Growing Pains are NOT something kids have to “grow out of” 😃 There are stacks of things you can do to help kids out of foot ankle and lower limb pain. Pain free, no medication, no injections!

Does it make sense that all pain in kids lower limbs is from growing? NO it does not.

Kids pain is from all sorts of reasons least of all is from growing!

Want to learn more? Click the link below to see what our Foot doctors have published on Growing Pains.

Let’s get your kids out of pain and back into activity.

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney

Want more information? That's fantastic. There's stacks of videos that we've made. Look down below. There's most likely a link there, or check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all the normal socials because we've got stacks of educational videos on heel pain and all the other conditions that we look after. Thanks and stay happy, healthy and active.


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #2

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #2

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #2

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #2

Don’t wear thongs or flip flops

Say what!! Are you crazy? Hell we may be!

So calm your farm kids 😂 We aren’t against thongs , flip flops, jandles Or slappers. We are Aussie as so they are Thongs to us, things you wear on your FEET. We are simply here to tell you that if kids wear them when they have sore feet there is a really good chance that these will make things worse.

Why, you scream! (breath deeply and slowly, see that’s better ) When you wear thongs, the small muscles in your feet have to work harder. In general when small muscles have to do More work they become overworked and this ends in pain.

If you look down at your feet when you’re in a pair of thongs next time look at how your toes are scrunching up, they appear like they are gripping into the ground, that’s because they are! They are trying really really hard to keep those suckers on!

Now a common argument is my feet feel better when I wear thongs 🤔 The thing is that the Pain Thongs cause doesn’t generally occur on that day. It tends to occur that night and most commonly the following days.

When your kiddlets feet are better if they so choose they can wear thongs where ever there feet may carry them. But while in pain if it’s important to get your kids back to happy healthy and active then quit the thongs for now!

Have you read Tip #1? If not, head there it is a guide to what Kids can wear as an alternative

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney

Want more information? That's fantastic. There's stacks of videos that we've made. Look down below. There's most likely a link there, or check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all the normal socials because we've got stacks of educational videos on heel pain and all the other conditions that we look after. Thanks and stay happy, healthy and active.


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Kids Foot pain can stop healthy development to adulthood

Kids Foot pain can stop healthy development to adulthood

Kids Foot pain can stop healthy development to adulthood

Kids Foot pain can stop healthy development to adulthood

Kids Foot pain can stop healthy development to adulthood - The answer? Kids need to be active!

Sounds simple right? How many times have you found yourself saying “just go outside and play”! There is something in us all that says our kids should be active, we just know it!  Our team motto is "Happy Healthy and Active!"

If you’ve ever thought it well, guess what, the science says you’re right! There is more and more and MORE evidence that kids need to be active, and that being active helps them as adults.

A recent study showed that kids that played ball sports, particularly before the age of 10, HALVED their chance of stress fractures! Each year of playing reduced the chance by another 13%! Game of footy anyone?

Kids, in particular girls who jump or skip as children, have been shown to significantly (like stacks of  benefit shown by oodles of research) decrease their risk of osteoporosis as they age!

Now that we know it makes muscles and bones strong and wards of health problems you can help, But also consider the social aspects of sport; Team work, developing an appreciation of winning and losing - no, everyone does not win a prize; effort and reward!

Kids also develop social skills such as friendship development, dealing with people that they don’t like and doing things they don’t like having to do. Ever had to do something for someone at work that you didn’t like and didn’t want to do? Yup, let’s all learn how to deal with that when kids or be unemployable as adults!

So, there is little argument that sport and making sure kids stay active is super Dooper important. Guess what you can’t do exercise or jumping with foot or leg pain.

We have covered in previous blogs the fact that kids do not have to wait to grow out of their pain this is a complete MYTH!!

Another myth is that a reasonable treatment for kids foot or leg pain is stopping activity. Now that we know the significant benefits of sport in kids telling them that they should  simply stop because of pain is, in my opinion, at the very least irresponsible but possibly reprehensible! Particularly when we know there are therapies that can reduce this pain and get them quickly into sport

Foot and leg pain is a real problem for many kids stopping them doing activities that we know are essential for their development. Severs disease, Plantar fasciitis, shin splints knee pain are all treatable!

Let’s make sure we get on top of kids foot and leg pain and ensure that they grow up happy healthy and active !

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney

Want more information? That's fantastic. There's stacks of videos that we've made. Look down below. There's most likely a link there, or check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all the normal socials because we've got stacks of educational videos on heel pain and all the other conditions that we look after. Thanks and stay happy, healthy and active.


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #1

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #1

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #1

Sore Feet in Kids Tip #1

Grab a pair of structured shoes.

What does that mean? 

Most times kids with sore feet will benefit from shoes with features that provide support for the foot.

What does support look like? 

  • Solid base - should not bend in the middle, wring out or twist
  • Should be firm at the heel counter - the part that cups the heel should be firm and not be able to flex in
  • Should have laces, if not laces Velcro , if not Buckle. (Laces best)
  • Should bend at the toes

This is not a treatment but will help most kids in the short term get out of foot pain.

Is there more you can do? YES and we’ll chat about that in future post so make sure you subscribe and follow us so we can help you stay Happy Healthy and active 😃

If you haven't booked your appointment time for your gap-free heel pain assessment yet, please call our friendly reception team on (02) 9673 2987 to secure your appointment today.

Have you tried our Growing Pain Calculator? https://growingpain.com.au/

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podiatristsydney

Want more information? That's fantastic. There's stacks of videos that we've made. Look down below. There's most likely a link there, or check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all the normal socials because we've got stacks of educational videos on heel pain and all the other conditions that we look after. Thanks and stay happy, healthy and active.


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.