Fungal Nail Infection – 5 questions to ask anyone providing Fungal nail treatment

Fungal Nail Infection – 5 questions to ask anyone providing Fungal nail treatment

Fungal Nail Infections

5 questions to ask anyone providing Fungal nail treatment

Fungal Nail Infections - 5 questions to ask

Fungal nail infection treatment options are wide and varied; there are several different options anywhere from prescription medication to over-the-counter paints and ointments and also several laser light treatments. In particular Thermal laser has become one of the gold standards for treating patients with fungal nail infections. Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist in Penrith, talks about fungal nail infections and 5 questions to ask anyone providing Fungal nail treatment.

Not all lasers are the same, and in particular, we are talking about Thermal laser. This laser uses both the laser light spectrum but more importantly, the temperature increase occurring in the nail bed, which is highly effective at killing both the live fungal infection and it's smalls or eggs.

Fungal infection and spores cannot live when exposed to temperatures above 40°C Celsius.


Fungal Nail Infections just love feet. Proper care needs to be provided to stop reinfection

Are Fungal Nail Reinfection Rates High?

An issue that occurs with fungal nails is the highly contagious nature of the fungal infection is meaning that it is both easy to contract and, despite having a successful treatment, easy to re-contract after your therapy - leading to high levels of reinfection without proper care and advice

Fungal spores are invisible and are not seen when living in nails. Any evidence of fungal infection on a toenail is the result of a past infection. What you are seeing when looking at the yellow or brown discolouration is the area that has essentially been attacked by the fungal infection.

Are Fungal Nail Spores Invisible?

The eggs that are produced by the fungal infection are completely invisible; they will often live in the other toenails and on the skin surrounding the nails with no evidence whatsoever. Be warned that if you do not treat these, they will simply wait till the treatment is completed on the nail you are treating and because the two toes are in such close proximity to will simply transfer across to the freshly treated nail

Is Thermal Laser advanced treatment the Answer for Fungal Nail Infections?

As a foot doctor or podiatrist with more than 24 years experience, this is one of the most frustrating conditions to deal with. Fungal Nail infections are notoriously difficult to beat.

In 2014 I travelled to the United States to investigate the emerging thermal laser treatment protocols. After this trip, I returned to Australia and introduced the thermal laser technology we now use in our clinics and now numerous others across Australia

As I am highly involved in this area, these are the questions I would ask before undertaking treatment with any clinic!

Here are 5 questions to ask any clinic before undergoing treatment for fungal nail infections.

1) Why is the clinic only treating one nail?

As I have explained fungal infection is are incredibly contagious and also riotously difficult to eradicate. The spores regularly live on at least 3 to 4 nails on each foot, despite the fact that these cannot be seen, it is estimated that there is a 97% chance that the other nails have live spores infecting them!

Treating one nail only that being the nail that has obvious signs of the past infection is most would suggest a guaranteed way of not successfully treating this condition

2) How does a patient treat the unseen fungal nail infection?

All clinics should address with the patients they see a number of after-care steps this includes eradicating the unseen spores that are living in numerous other areas, these include on your skin, in your shoes, in your socks, in your shower and living areas. Ask the clinic treating you how they suggest you Address these areas.

3) What system does the clinic have to keep the Fungal Nail Infection at bay?

It's fine to treat the infection while you are there but what after-care is the clinic suggesting do they have a thorough after-care protocol for patients to undertake. This is a highly contagious infection and to think that it only resides on the nails is either misinformed or naive.

4) What treatment do they advise for current footwear?

It is almost 100% positive that patients with fungal nail infections will have spores living inside the shoes, that they have been wearing while they have a fungal nail infection. If a clinic does not suggest patients should treat footwear that the client has been wearing, I will put forward they do not entirely understand how to manage this incredibly contagious condition. Find another clinic!

5) Are all Fungal Nail treatments the same?

Since later therapy for fungal nails was introduced to Australia, there have been a number of clinics add this technology as a way of increasing clinical turnover.

Unfortunately, they do not completely understand the condition or understand how to reduce the very high reinfection rate.

There is no way to prevent reinfection completely; however, without a significant Plan put in place it is almost a certainty that after treatment, it will quickly return. For this reason, it is important to ensure the clinic that is treating you has a thorough understanding of how to reduce this reinfection rate and to assist patients in beating this nasty condition.

How can we help?

We have treated thousands of patients with fungal nail infections literally. As one of the first clinics to introduce thermal laser technology, we are pioneers in the field and with this extensive experience have developed treatment protocols to overcome many of the problems surrounding the reinfection of nails. Yes, we think we are pretty good at beating this!

Our Doctors all fully qualified Podiatrists have extensive hands-on experience treating fungal nail infection.

Where to from here?

If you are serious about beating fungal nail infection and then the quickest and most effective way is to call our clinic on 9673 2987 we are based in western Sydney, with patients travelling from all over New South Wales to have this treatment due to our team's profession leading experience.

Our helpful front desk team have spoken to thousands of people with fungal nail infection and will help guide you through the suggested process and guide you to the best laser package for beating this.

Fungal Nail calculator

You may also like to try our fungal nail calculator. This is the first fungal nail calculator in the world and will help guide you to potential treatment protocols. Use this guide to help guide you to understand better the level of infection that you may have present and give helpful suggestions as to what the best therapies maybe. Head to


Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist & Shendi Brown

Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist & Shendi Brown

Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:


Free Report “10 things to know before choosing a Podiatrist”

Choosing your Sydney foot doctor is an important decision and can mean the difference between getting mediocre results and living pain-free. Learn about the top 10 things you should know when choosing your podiatrist in St Marys or Penrith.

Shameless Plug or where to get real help!

Need help? Need another opinion? Just want to get this sorted? Great, we'd love to help you 😊 You can start by calling our wonderfully helpful team on 9673 2987. They are all parents and will be able to help answer questions and guide you in the right direction.

Another option is to use our call back service, pop your details in the very short form and we will call YOU back on a number and times that suits YOU best. 😊

Why you’re not getting better and what you can do about it

Why you’re not getting better and what you can do about it

Why you’re not getting better

and what you can do about it - Its you not me

Why You're Not Getting Better and what you can do about it

Why You're Not Getting Better and what you can do about it

Have you ever wondered why you're not getting better after seeing a therapist, and what you can do about it?  Dr Brenden Brown, the Leading Podiatrist at A Step Ahead Foot and Ankle Care, Penrith, explains that it could be you, not the therapist.

It's Father's Day. I love my dad, and I'm sitting in the entertainment area of my childhood home after cooking my dad his Father's Day breakfast. My brothers are here with their children as well, and we are discussing my parents impending trip to Europe, but more concerning in the discussion is the Back Pain that has my Mum currently in a wheelchair.

Mum has been to see a therapist. She's been given exercises and a treatment plan that she needs to undertake. My dad says, "Oh well. I think from here it's all up to Peter." I look at him, and I ask, "Who is Peter." My dad replies, "Your Mum's therapist. It's up to him whether or not your Mum will get to Europe. Let's hope he can get her better in time."  Pardon?

My head twirled, my eyes roll, and I'm quite sure I probably became the colour of an orange. I reply with all the love I can muster,  "This has very little to do with Peter and a whole stack to do with Mum."

That's right; It's not Peter's responsibility to get my Mum better! Peter has developed a treatment plan, and the biggest participant in that plan is Mum. Peter can show her what to do, tell her when to do it, but in the end, who is the person that is responsible - MUM!

I have no idea who Peter is as I've never met the guy. Still, I know from experience that this is a common expectation of patients that somehow it is the practitioners' responsibility to get patients better. I've got to tell you that while Peter and I have our patients’ best interest in mind and as therapists work hard to help out our patients reach their goals. I think there is very little further from the truth than it's "up to us" to get patients better. Dad... Mum... listening?

If I were to make a list of the most common reason that I see for people not getting better, at least half would be the laid at the feet of the patient themselves. Yes, I know this is a bitter pill to swallow if you are a patient and reading this blog is not going to make me at all popular, but them's the breaks, so to speak.

So what is the on "The list":

  • Not following your treatment plan - broadly speaking
  • Not completing your exercise program as instructed
  • Not Completing exercises as often as required
  • Not wearing the footwear your practitioner suggests
  • Picking and choosing the best bits of your treatment plan
  • Holding your practitioner responsible for your success

Now, of course, other reasons can contribute to your lack of recovery and yes, at times they relate to therapy or perhaps the diagnosis. Yes, practitioners get it wrong but so do patients! As humans, we seem pretty programmed to point the finger at others than recognize that we may be a contributor to our problems.

If you find following your therapist's instructions difficult, let them know, SPEAK UP! Sometimes 13 different stretches in a day is too much. But equally, if they tell you that you need to do this to get better, you've two choices - 1. Get to it or 2. Get a second opinion. But that's it! Choosing not to follow the plan and then blame a therapist for your lack of progress is like not taking your medication the doctor prescribes and returning to them complaining that you're not getting any better.

Why you’re not getting better - Its not ME its YOU

To the therapist who is reading this: Stop being walked over! If your patient isn't following their plan and you know it or they are negotiating not completing vital parts of the program, fricken speak up! Tell them straight! You are in no way helping either of you by following that course. The patient doesn't improve, you look stupid and incapable, and that is a lose-lose for you all! That patient will see someone else and will bad mouth you to their friends, loved ones and the next therapist they see! I know because they see me!

Why You're Not Getting Better - Its not me its you

Why You're Not Getting Better - Its not me its you

Well, after my head stopped twirling like the cast of the Exorcist, I had to make sure my Mum had a clear understanding that Europe was not only physically thousands of kilometres away, but the same distance metaphorically. Unless she stuck to HER part of HER treatment plan, she was not going anywhere.

The result? My Mum is, as I write, jumping on and off buses in Europe enjoying her holiday!


Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist & Shendi Brown

Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist & Shendi Brown

Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:


Free Report “10 things to know before choosing a Podiatrist”

Choosing your Sydney foot doctor is an important decision and can mean the difference between getting mediocre results and living pain-free. Learn about the top 10 things you should know when choosing your podiatrist in St Marys or Penrith.

Shameless Plug or where to get real help!

Need help? Need another opinion? Just want to get this sorted? Great, we'd love to help you 😊 You can start by calling our wonderfully helpful team on 9673 2987. They are all parents and will be able to help answer questions and guide you in the right direction.

Another option is to use our call back service, pop your details in the very short form and we will call YOU back on a number and times that suits YOU best. 😊

Thermal Laser is the new gold standards treatment

Thermal Laser is the new gold standards treatment

Thermal Laser is the new gold standards treatment

Thermal Laser is the new gold standards treatment

Nail Restoration after the nail was damaged by fungal infection. Same toe , 30 minutes after. consult with Dr Rachel our Podiatrist.

Thermal Laser is the new gold standards treatment for fungal nail infections.

If you have tried other home remedies and over the counter solutions if you’re really serious about beating your infection a Thermal Laser session is your solution

Call our team on 96732987 or click on our link to call. Why not try our Fungal Nail Calculator below?

For more information click the link below

Fungal Nails

I hope that helps. Make sure you head to our information below and our links to look up more information about fungal nail, heel pain, foot types, and other sports injuries. We look forward to making you happy, healthy and active.

Have you tried our Fungal Nail Calculator?


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Fungal Nail Restoration

Fungal Nail Restoration

Fungal Nail Restoration

Fungal Nail Restoration

Nail Restoration after the nail was damaged by fungal infection. Same toe , 30 minutes after. consult with Dr Rachel our Podiatrist.

Need great looking nails for summer? Open shoes are part of our Australian Summers ahead! So, now is the time to think about Fungal Nail Restoration.

Thermal Laser therapy with nail restoration delivers wonderful results.

Call our team on 96732987 or click on our link to call. Why not try our Fungal Nail Calculator below?

For more information click the link below

Fungal Nails

I hope that helps. Make sure you head to our information below and our links to look up more information about fungal nail, heel pain, foot types, and other sports injuries. We look forward to making you happy, healthy and active.

Have you tried our Fungal Nail Calculator?


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Dr Foot’s Number 1 tip for reducing heel pain by Dr Brenden Brown Podiatrist

Dr Foot’s Number 1 tip for reducing heel pain by Dr Brenden Brown Podiatrist

Dr Foot’s Number 1 tip for reducing heel pain by Dr Brenden Brown Podiatrist

The number one tip for reducing heel pain that I give to patients every day is wearing good quality lace up running shoes. Now, I know this drives people insane, and I know it's annoying to have to do, but wearing a good quality lace up shoe is one of the things that instantly drops heel pain down in its severity.

I want you to think about your foot like it's a broken arm, for example, but it's a broken foot. If you had a broken arm, you keep your cast on all day. I want you to think about these shoes like it's a plaster cast for your foot, but it's more flexible. You wouldn't get home at the end of the day and take off your plaster cast, and nor should you get home at the end of the day and go home and take your sneakers or good-quality runners off. It just won't help you.

I'm not talking about the rest of your life. what I'm saying to people is, you need to do this just while you're in pain and until we've been able to get you better. If someone hasn't talked to you about this really, I think they should of. Telling you that you can wear flip flops or thongs, open feet, really won’t get you any better any quicker.

So, please wear your shoes.

The best things about this No.1 tip for reducing heel pain is:

  • It’s super easy to implement
  • It won’t cost you a fortune
  • It’s not something you will need to do forever
  • It makes perfect sense
There’s something special about shoes, they give you a high like nothing else.Edgardo Osorio, Aquazzura Fashion Designer


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.

Cold Laser vs Thermal Laser The Facts for You

Cold Laser vs Thermal Laser The Facts for You

Cold Laser vs Thermal Laser The Facts for You

Watch our video to get the low down on laser treatments

The main differences between thermal and cold laser really is the amount of sessions that are required by cold laser to get the same result as thermal.

Thermal laser only requires one, maybe two visits, whereas cold laser requires anywhere between six and ten to get the same result.

So, whilst cold laser initially sounds cheaper, to get the same result, when you add up the fact that you need ten visits, cold laser can become significantly more expensive.

This is where laser treatment comes in. Thanks to the wonder of science, laser has shown to be highly successful in treating fungal nail infection. Oversees studies have shown success rates as high as 80%*.

The lowdown on laser

Laser treatment works in the following way:

  • Laser light passes through the nail plate into the nail bed
  • The light is absorbed into the fungi
  • The heat from the light kills both the fungi and the spores

A Step Ahead has been using laser for more than four years with amazing results. Although, not all laser treatments are equal.

Podiatrist Dr. Ryan Romero says, “Some clinics only treat the infected nail but we treat every single nail. We do this because the evidence shows that although you might not see the fungus in other nails, it’s 100% likely the fungal spores are there. Treating just one toenail almost guarantees failure. We treat all 10 toes and that’s why we’re seeing such fantastic results.”

There’s something special about shoes, they give you a high like nothing else.Edgardo Osorio, Aquazzura Fashion Designer


Founder of A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care in Sydney, and former president of the Australasian Podiatry Council, Dr Brenden Brown (A.K.A Dr Foot) is a wealth of knowledge on how to take care of your feet, including how to find the best shoes.

Follow him on social media:

* No medical treatment can guarantee 100% success. Registered medical and health professions in Australia are by law not allowed to guarantee success. This comes as a result of all human bodies reacting differently to treatments. Patients should thoroughly consider all treatment options available to them.