Shockwave for Treating Heel Pain
Heel pain is one of the most debilitating conditions that our doctors see every single day. Pain in the morning is common for people, first step and OUCH!...
Fallen Arches or Flat Feet and what you need to know
Fallen Arches or Flat Feet - what are they? What do they look like? And why should you care enough to bother reading this post at all? You’re busy after...
Growing Pains and Questions Parents Should Ask
"Growing pains" is a common description but is it really a diagnosis? Let's talk about a few questions parents can ponder, that may help you decide "Growing...
Isolation Foot Pain: Why your feet suddenly hurt
Isolation has done some very strange things to people; one of the stranger...
How long do your shoes last?
How long do your shoes last? When do you know they need replacing? What are some of the less obvious signs your shoe is kaput! So, we all want things to...
Ingrown toenails Ouchi Mumma these can hurt!
Ingrown toenails Ouchi Mumma these can hurt! Most patients think it will be super painful to remove these BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Many patients, of course,...
Health Department Training on COVID-19
Health Department training on COVID-19 and infection Control! Keeping you SAFE is more than just talking the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk! Our team...
Meet SALLY – The Hand Sanitising Station
Hand cleaning is at present one* of the MOST significant means of stopping the spread of “the virus” aka COVID-19 and one of the easiest ways to keep you...
Social Distancing at A Step Ahead Podiatry
Social distancing demo or Is it Dr Brenden’s and Ambers new Tictoc video to an ABBA tune? (It’s actually outtakes of our latest video on Keeping Patients...
Coronavirus Update 🦠
To keep all our patients safe and in an effort to reduce the risk of transmission we have implemented the following steps today in our clinic. Some of our...
It’s Gloves All Round!
It's Gloves All Round! Yup, it’s gloves all round for everyone at the clinic! A MASSIVE THANK YOU! To all our fabulous patients today who took to “playing it safe” and used our hand sanitizer stations and donned gloves! We are keeping...
How to cure heel pain at home
Ingrown Toenails Do I Need Surgery?
You probably aren’t as in need of ingrown toenail surgery as you believe you may be. Ingrown toenails can be incredibly painful. They can be so tender to touch that even the bedsheet or a sock can create pain that makes you wish you could...
Choosing the Right School Shoe Size 2020
Dr Brenden Brown, Podiatrist. That guy who knows truckloads about feet and stuff talks about how to size your child's school shoes correctly.Making sure you get the right size to fit your child's foot is important to keep them active and...
Sore Feet? We’ll Fix You!
Sore Feet? We'll Fix You! How are we different ? Great question! Our team...
Shockwave and Heel Pain
Shockwave and Heel Pain? Yes! Shockwave is one of the therapies used to help...
It’s not a Tumor!
Arnie in Kindergarten Cop screamed “It’s not a Tumor!” 🤣 Guess what, while...
Ingrown Toenails – Need Solutions?
Ingrown toenails can be painful to live with and sometime worse to have...