A couple of months ago a young 10 year old girl Jessica presented to the clinic as her mother was concerned about her feet. Her mother had told me since the age of 3 Jess had always walked with her feet turning in. She had taken her daughter when she was 3 years old to a GP who then referred her to a paediatrician. The paediatrician told the mother not to worry she will grow out of it and to come back in three years time.

intoeing gait

intoeing gait

She returned when Jess turned 6 to the paediatrician, Jess was still walking pigeon toed and often tripping over. The paediatrician once again said not to worry then commenting “but if you are really worried then see a podiatrist”. At the age of 7 she saw a podiatrist who told her “nothing can be done” and “not to worry she will grow out of it” again!

The mother was getting extremely frustrated with the lack of help she had been receiving, she felt frustrated and let down. Finally after receiving no relief from these other well meaning health professionals she made an appointment for Jess to see us at A step ahead foot and ankle care.

While examining this really happy and bright girls gait, it became apparent to us that something should be done. On discussing this with the mum she replied “you have no idea how many people I have seen before coming to you”! The mother was relieved that after all these years someone had provided her with an answer and the possibility of a proactive treatment plan for Jessica. In this case we recommended orthotic therapy and stretching exercises to help with the in-toed gait and the tripping. It appeared as if this was a form of relief for the Jess’s mum, she had suspected something should have been done, yet all the previous professionals had done nothing!

Its pleasing to report that we have reviewed Jess again recently, she is doing her exercises and her in-toed gait is a lot less dramatic. She is also now doing very well at sports! Jess’s mum reports a happier little girl who is tripping less and smiling more!


For all your Foot and Lower Limb Care needs, come and see us at:
A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Care
24 Phillip Street, St Marys; or
Suite 4, 36 Woodriff Street, Penrith

* All names and identities in our blogs and websites are changed to protect our patients privacy. Not all cases respond the same and this may be taken as an example only of one case. Should you or a relative suffer from this or other conditions it is essential to have a thorough case history and assessment undertaken before a diagnosis and treatment plan can be established for you.